Our Booking Criteria

To be fair, we don’t have strict criteria for our show, and generally aim to just book bands we love and/or young bands that we want to support and help find an audience. And, to be honest, that’s our primary model for booking the show — bands we love, both old and new. That said, if you meet two or more of the following criteria, there’s a pretty good chance you’re the type of artist that would fit into a Hipster Robots show:

  • Has anyone ever compared you to Diarrhea Planet (RIMFP)?

  • Are you, in fact, Diarrhea Planet???

  • Do you have seven guitarists and a singer with a handlebar mustache who likes to pick fights with people in the crowd?

  • Have you ever played a wicked guitar solo on stage and immediately proceeded to throw up on your lead singer?

  • Have you ever stolen your bassist’s boyfriend or girlfriend during your own set?

  • Have you ever lost a battle of the bands because a judge told you “I’m afraid you’re just too darn loud”?

  • Do you actively try to forget the years 1994-1999 because Bruce Dickinson wasn’t in Iron Maiden during those years?

  • When you’re on tour, do you have firm rules regarding Waffle House > Cracker Barrel and Wawa > Sheetz?

If you just read this list and said “Hey! That’s us!” or even “Hey! That’s not us at all, but we’re gonna quit this drone jazz fusion shit we’ve been doing and become the world’s greatest 18-guitar gritty singalong punk band!” then you may want to go ahead and drop us a line.

Booking Inquiries