Do you like rock and roll music? Do you have extra money lying around that you don’t want to invest in cryptocurrency? DO YOU WANT TO HELP SUPPORT THE BEST ROCK AND PARTY OF ALL TIME?
Then you’ve got three great options as to how your can show us your support:
FIRST, you can simply head over to PayPal and send all of your money (or some, we’re not that picky) to steve@hipsterrobots.net.
SECOND, if you want to formally sponsor the show, with branding and signage and various bells and assorted whistles, please email steve@babystew.com.
THIRD, if you show your love with food like our robot grandmothers, please feel free to bring a couple three hot briskets to Side Bar at 11:55am on the day of the show.
And since Steve is a lawyer, we’ve got some disclaimers for you. Donations to Hipster Robots aren’t tax deductible. One of our major sponsors, Fredericksburg All Ages, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and you should totally donate to them too, because they’re great and we love them, but WE — Hipster Robots — ain’t no 501(c)(3). We are technically non-profit, because we don’t make any money on this show, nor do we try. But that doesn’t make us a 501(c)(3) or anything like one, and your donations are definitely not deductible.
Also, just to be clear, while your donation is HUGELY appreciated, it doesn’t give you an ownership interest or partnership interest or joint venture interest or any other interest in Hipster Robots or the show, or any right to book the show. Our focus is making the show great, and, to the extent we can, trying to find some money for the artists. So any money that you give us is out of the goodness of your heart because you fucking love the rock music and want to see it continue, and nothing else. As one does.
All that being said, if you donate, we will buy you a beer at the show (if you’re over 21, of course), and we will love you for doing it. But we won’t LOVE you for doing it, if you get our drift. That would be gross. And illegal, even in Texas. Or so we hear.